About me


Hello! My name is Jenn Embree and I am the trainer at Happy Hooligans K9 Training. I teach regular classes in Harrietsfield and Grand Desert, Nova Scotia. My journey into the world of agility truly began when I decided to take my dog Mufaasa, a rescue dog from the Halifax SPCA who’s rambunctious too-smart-for-his-own-good attitude had resulted in him being returned to the rescue three times before he finally came home with me, to our first foundation agility class in 2011. Little did I know then that agility would blossom into one of my greatest passions. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with many incredible dogs, pushing the boundaries of what I thought was possible and reaching new milestones. Through it all, I’ve never lost sight of what’s most important – a dog’s all-encompassing well-being. That’s why my approach revolves around motivation, fitness, and laying strong foundations to set our four-legged friends up for success. Teaching classes over the years has been a fulfilling experience, and I’m ready to continue to share my knowledge and passion with all those eager to explore the world of dog sports. 


What Sets Me Apart:


  • Specialization in Difficult Dogs: every dog is unique, and some can be more challenging to motivate than others. I have spent years working with the most stubborn, reluctant, and hyperactive canines.

  • Positive Reinforcement for All: I believe in the power of positive reinforcement to build strong bonds between you and your dog. My training methods are tailored to suit each dog’s individual personality and needs, ensuring a cooperative and enjoyable training experience.

  • Fun and Engagement: I incorporate games and engaging activities into our training sessions, making the process enjoyable for both you and your dog. Learning should be fun for both both parts of your team, and we’ll work together to make each exercise feel like the best game ever.

  • Experience: I started my own agility career well over a decade ago and before that I spent over 15 years working with horses, including working the competitive showjumping A-Circuit. I have filled that time training and competing with my own dogs, teaching countless others, continuing my own education at classes, seminars, workshops, and online learning, as well as serving for four years on the board of the Agility Association of Canada. 


At Happy Hooligans K9 Training, I believe that even the most challenging dogs can thrive in sports dog training. I want to help you unlock the full potential of your dog, no matter how difficult they may seem at first. Together we’ll embark on a partnership filled with achievements, hijinks, and endless fun.


Contact me today to begin your adventure, where we’ll turn chaos into controlled, one obstacle at a time!